Workshops / Installations
Patricia Ogundero worked with pupils in Heathrow Primary school in the summer months of 2013 leading the children in making their paintings inspired by various topics been learnt in individual schools; The paintings were inspired by the Multi-culture Art, exploring ethnic background of pupils and their school.

Pyramid Painting by children in Heathrow Primary School Hillingdon

Patricia Ogundero worked with pupils in five Hillingdon schools in the summer months of 2013 leading the children in making their paintings inspired by various topics been learnt in individual schools;
Cranford Park Primary School, Heathrow Primary school and Pinkwell Primary school were inspired by the Multi-culture Art, exploring ethnic background of pupils, learning and reading.
Harmondsworth Primary school was inspired by Sustainable energy & environment: Green: save the earth.
Harlington Community Secondary School pupils, worked together to make their pyramid, inspired by fashion, street art, cubic designs sports and music.
All pupil worked together, brainstormed on their ideas and developed them with Artist Patricia Ogundero to come up with their pyramids that adorn some of their schools